Concurrent disorders: a syndemia to unravel. Scientific activity on November 11th 2020

The Centre of Expertise and Collaboration in Concurrent Disorders of the RUISS of the University of Montreal invites you to its annual scientific activity under the theme Concurrent disorders : a syndemia to unravel. Whether you are a public or community worker, manager, professor, student or researcher in the field of mental health and addiction, […]


Lancement virtuel : À la rencontre de la relation d’aide difficile

Les Presses de l'Université Laval vous invitent au lancement virtuel du livre « À la rencontre de la relation d'aide difficile » sous la direction de Michel T. Giroux qui se tiendra le lundi 16 novembre à 12h sur la plateforme Zoom. Le livre:  Le lecteur découvrira à la fois un exposé théorique fondamental en […]

Webinar on the Guidance Documents on Substance Use and COVID-19

Friday 5, 2021 - 1pm to 2pm EST Calendar entry. At the request of the Government of Canada, the Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse (CRISM) developed 6 national guidance documents that address the urgent needs of people who use substances, as well as service providers and decision makers during the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of a […]

Événement virtuel sur la crise des surdoses  : Des données aux actions

Programmation détaillée Mise en contexte de la situation des surdoses au Québec Qu’est-ce qui circule dans le marché illicite au Québec et ce que ces données nous révèlent ? La pharmacothérapie de remplacement au Québec Présentation de l'outil Reconnaître et agir de l’Équipe de soutien clinique et organisationnel en dépendance et itinérance Public cible Pour les professionnels […]

Stimulus Connect 10: Impact of the Pandemic on People Who Use Drugs

10am – noon Pacific     11am – 1pm Mountain     12-2pm Central     1-3pm Eastern     2-4pm Atlantic     2:30-4:30pm Newfoundland & Labrador Public health in Canada responded dramatically to the COVID-19 crisis and not the overdose crisis. Join us for the Impact of the Pandemic on People Who Use Drugs: Part 1 as we connect.

Webinar on the Guidance Documents on Substance Use and COVID-19

At the request of the Government of Canada, the Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse (CRISM) developed 6 national guidance documents that address the urgent needs of people who use substances, as well as service providers and decision makers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Canada and CRISM will be hosting a webinar, led by Dr. Julie Bruneau, to provide […]

Virtual Harm Reduction Symposium – Time’s Up

The Harm Reduction Symposium will bring together many stakeholders to raise awareness, educate, and enhance harm reduction collaboration.   CALL TO ACTION: As a community, it is our responsibility to improve the lives of those impacted by problematic substance use. To achieve this, we need to reduce stigma, increase community collaboration, and influence systematic changes. […]

French Language iOAT Webinar – Addiction and Mental health Ontario

Injectable opioid agonist treatment (iOAT) is a safe, life-saving, and cost-effective treatment option for individuals with severe opioid dependence. It is also virtually unavailable in Ontario. The need for iOAT has never been greater given an opioid crisis that has become the most enduring public health emergency in recent Canadian history and further fueled by […]

Atlantic Indigenous Health Conference 2021

The three day event, presented by the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat, will feature speakers from across Canada discussing the theme Walking Together Through a Health Crisis and also include the Honouring Our People Awards. While this free event is open to the public, please note that the content will be tailored […]