Virtual Harm Reduction Symposium – Time’s Up

The Harm Reduction Symposium will bring together many stakeholders to raise awareness, educate, and enhance harm reduction collaboration.   CALL TO ACTION: As a community, it is our responsibility to improve the lives of those impacted by problematic substance use. To achieve this, we need to reduce stigma, increase community collaboration, and influence systematic changes. […]

French Language iOAT Webinar – Addiction and Mental health Ontario

Injectable opioid agonist treatment (iOAT) is a safe, life-saving, and cost-effective treatment option for individuals with severe opioid dependence. It is also virtually unavailable in Ontario. The need for iOAT has never been greater given an opioid crisis that has become the most enduring public health emergency in recent Canadian history and further fueled by […]

Atlantic Indigenous Health Conference 2021

The three day event, presented by the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat, will feature speakers from across Canada discussing the theme Walking Together Through a Health Crisis and also include the Honouring Our People Awards. While this free event is open to the public, please note that the content will be tailored […]


Detailed program Presentation of the Guide d’usage optimal – Méthadone et buprénorphine de l’INESSS Presentation of the work conducted by the Équipe de soutien clinique et organisationnel en dépendance et itinérance on the use of once-daily slow-release morphine (MLLU) in OAT in Quebec. Interdisciplinary Panel on Safer Supply and Use of the MLLU Canadian Expert […]

6e Colloque international francophone sur le traitement de la dépendance aux opioïdes

L’Institut universitaire sur les dépendances du Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal organise présentement la 6e édition du colloque international TDO (traitement de la dépendance aux opioïdes). Le colloque TDO6 a une grande portée dans toute la francophonie ; en Europe, en Afrique et ici au Canada.  Pour cette édition, le thème est  Dialogues entre science et savoirs expérientiels : L’implication des usagers et […]

Commission on Narcotic Drugs

The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) is the body mandated to develop drug policy at the global level and is the governing body of UNODC. The Commission will take place next week, from 12 to 16 April 2021 and, because of the pandemic, all commission proceedings will be available to watch on a live webcast. (Central European Time) […]

Variations temporelles de l’injection de drogues et association avec le risque d’infection par le virus de l’hépatite C

La majorité des personnes utilisatrices de drogues par injection (PUDI) contracteront le virus de l’hépatite C (VHC), les mettant à risque accru de complications hépatiques graves et parfois mortelles. Les comportements les plus risqués pour l’acquisition du VHC incluent le partage de matériel d’injection et l’injection à haute fréquence. Un facteur jusqu’ici négligé dans l’évaluation […]

Drug Use During Covid: A Harm Reduction Conversation

Join the U.S.-based People of Color Psychedelic Collective for a Panel Discussion about harm reduction during Covid. Participation is free! For more information :