“Changing Practice, Changing Policy” BC Substance Use Conference 2020

JW Marriott Parq Vancouver Hotel 39 Smithe St, Vancouver, C.-B., Canada

Target audience: health care providers, researchers, people with lived and living experience, families impacted by substance use, policymakers, health authority partners, and community advocates Register to attend the conference: https://events.eply.com/BCCSU2020   CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Are you interested in submitting an abstract? We are now accepting abstracts for the BC Substance Use Conference! Deadline to submit: Feb […]

Rapid Access to Addiction Medicine and Withdrawal Options

Date: August 11, 2020, 1 p.m. – 2 p.m., EST – Register now Speaker: Dr. Ginette Poulin, Clinical Lead, Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse This webinar will explore the impact of COVID-19 on access to addiction medicine and withdrawal options. More details to be released soon. Please note that this webinar will be presented in […]

Overdose and COVID-19: Double Crisis and System Challenge

You are invited to participate in the COVID-19 Network Webinar on Thursday, September 17 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. + ½ hours questions / answers. Presenter: Michael Krausz, MD, PhD, University of British Columbia Objectives: Addressing the impact of the two health emergencies and the quality of our response Start a conversation about the […]

STIMULUS 2020: Drugs, policy and practise in Canada

Stimulus: Drugs, Policy and Practice in Canada's work has changed. Like many others across Canada, the planning team responded to COVID-19 as best we could within this ever changing context. The Stimulus coordinator engaged in worked within the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition team to launch and manage COVID-19 Harm Reduction Resources. This webpage has grown […]

Feast Centre for Indigenous STBBI Research Virtual Launch

invite you to join the virtual launch of the Feast Centre for Indigenous STBBI Research today, October 14, with a LIVE broadcast at noon and a rebroadcast at 7 PM. (EDT) Register and watch at feastcentre.moonfruit.com or stream the live broadcast at the Centre's Facebook page (facebook.com/thefeastcentre).  For more information, visit the Centre's official website.

Decriminalization: beyond the buzzword

Up to now, drug policies in Canada have failed to protect the health and human rights of people who use drugs. Criminalization puts, more than ever, people who use drugs at risk and contributes to their marginalization and oppression. As the country faces two major crises, establishing a public health and human rights approach to […]

Concurrent disorders: a syndemia to unravel. Scientific activity on November 11th 2020

The Centre of Expertise and Collaboration in Concurrent Disorders of the RUISS of the University of Montreal invites you to its annual scientific activity under the theme Concurrent disorders : a syndemia to unravel. Whether you are a public or community worker, manager, professor, student or researcher in the field of mental health and addiction, […]


Lancement virtuel : À la rencontre de la relation d’aide difficile

Les Presses de l'Université Laval vous invitent au lancement virtuel du livre « À la rencontre de la relation d'aide difficile » sous la direction de Michel T. Giroux qui se tiendra le lundi 16 novembre à 12h sur la plateforme Zoom. Le livre:  Le lecteur découvrira à la fois un exposé théorique fondamental en […]

Webinar on the Guidance Documents on Substance Use and COVID-19

Friday 5, 2021 - 1pm to 2pm EST Calendar entry. At the request of the Government of Canada, the Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse (CRISM) developed 6 national guidance documents that address the urgent needs of people who use substances, as well as service providers and decision makers during the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of a […]