• Participant recruitment in progress

The current project evaluates the project titled, Dépendance, populations en situation de précarité et approvisionnement sécuritaire : Soutien aux cliniciens et aux gestionnaires du Québecwhose principal investigator is Dr. Marie-Ève Goyer. It consists of evaluating the implementation of alternative modalities of opioid agonist therapy (OAT).


Currently, OAT is the treatment method of choice for people with opioid use disorder (OUD). It has been shown to be effective in reducing consumption and in particular, the risks associated with the use and transmission of HIV and hepatitis C. However, the current treatment modalities that have been practised for more than 20 years have limitations with possible negative consequences. There is an abundance of scientific literature on the benefits of using mixed treatment methods to treat OUD.

This project seeks to evaluate the initiation of alternative OAT using the drug hydromorphone in injectable or in tablet form for individuals  who are currently on OAT, clinical teams, their partners and for managers of these services.


1) Developing an evidence-based model to be used as a guideline for the development of clinical activities and as an evaluation framework

2) Identifying the perceptions and attitudes of healthcare workers  in relation to the implementation of different changes in practice

3) Assessing the short- and long-term impacts of adding an adapted supply service 

Principal Investigator:


Program Director

  • Aïssata Sako, MSc, CRCHUM



For more information : qmcrism-icras.chum@ssss.gouv.qc.ca

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